After last week's escapology tricks by Russell, it was Anthony Ker's turn to play the role of Houdini (and I'm not talking about the analysis engine!) He was basically lost after the opening moves, but he spent the rest of the game fighting back, and Brian finally conceded the draw on the 73rd move a pawn up in a Rook and pawn endgame. Russell gained a couple of pawns against Bill's Dutch set-up, and Bill quietly slipped out for an early night. Ross and Peter played their round 8 encounter early as neither of their opponents were available. Cannot comment on this one except that Ross won. I really enjoyed my encounter with the Borg (see below) which ended in a draw.
Newcomer Alok Pandey is leading the B group, as Lawrence blundered a piece in the opening but ground it out to the endgame. He is the only player in the group left on 2/2 , and next week gets to play Don Stracy, who will only just be starting his campaign in the tournament after a long holiday in the UK
Congratulations to Josh Wight in the C group, playing his first full length game at the club and winning! Could we have another young star on our hands? Let's hope so!
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